What Are the Most Common Types of Dental Emergencies?

Like most people, you might be thinking, “pain is common with most dental issues, so what qualifies as a dental emergency?” You see, while some dental issues can be painful and almost unbearable, not all of them warrant a visit to the emergency dentist. Here are some of the most common dental emergencies in Hendersonville to guide your decisions about visiting the dental office for an emergency.

Severe Toothaches

The most common dental emergency is a toothache, but not all toothaches are indicative of an emergency. Toothaches qualify as emergencies only if they’re excruciating and don’t respond to pain medication. Most toothaches that qualify as emergencies result from extensive dental decay, tooth fractures and knocked out teeth. Sometimes large objects stuck between teeth is a dental emergency when you can’t dislodge the object despite your best efforts.

Chipped or Broken Teeth

Teeth can chip or break when you use too much force to bite into an object. This breakage exposes the sensitive nerves in the tooth’s core, leading to unbearable pain. In such cases, you should pick up the broken fragments and contact your emergency dentist in Hendersonville immediately. The dentist will try to restore the broken fragments and relieve you of pain.

Knocked-Out Teeth

A knocked-out tooth is a step above breaking your tooth, but rushing to the emergency dentist within an hour could salvage your tooth. Apart from the pain, knocking out your tooth could expose the sockets to bacterial infection and lead to further complications. An emergency dentist will restore the teeth back to its sockets and remove any bacteria and debris in the empty sockets.

Broken Orthodontics

Orthodontics like braces are meant to wrap around your teeth and gradually move them into their correct positions. However, over time, wear and tear can cause the arch wires to break, making the braces come loose. The sharp edges of the broken archwires can scrape your gums and the inner lining of your cheeks, causing great discomfort. Your only hope is an emergency dentist who can replace the archwires and relieve you of discomfort.

Dental Abscesses

Abscesses result from bacterial infections in the gums, causing pus pockets to form. Interestingly, most people don’t give too much thought to dental abscesses since they don’t hurt nearly as much as toothaches. However, if left unchecked the abscess could spread to the ears, neck, and the rest of your face. It could also enter the bloodstream and cause septic shock. 

Have a Dental Emergency? Talk to Us

Experiencing a dental emergency can be a nerve-wracking ordeal, but now that you have a solid grasp of the different types of dental emergencies, you should feel confident in reaching out to an emergency dentist if any of these situations arise. Timely emergency dental care is key to safeguarding your dental well-being and preventing any issues from escalating.

At Vibrant Dental, our dedicated team is here to assist you when you need it most. Don't hesitate; get in touch with us today, and we'll swiftly address your dental emergency with the care and attention it deserves. Your dental health is in capable hands with us!

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